Overflow Food Freedom Method
Because there is no cookie-cutter approach to food freedom
An individualized one-on-one coaching experience with me designed to help you identify what’s holding YOU back so we can make your unique plan to start turning that food guilt to God-honoring food freedom and body shame to body acceptance.
What you can expect:
Weekly (or bi-weekly) calls
Depending on the coaching package, you’ll have 6 or 12 one-on-one virtual coaching sessions with me where we will deep-dive into what you need to work on and strategize a plan together so you know exactly what you need to do week-by-week to experience your version of God-honoring food freedom.
Private messaging
Access to private messaging with me between sessions inside your client portal to share wins, challenges, and updates so you never have to feel alone. I am here to support you and cheer you on!
Recommended extras
Recommended podcasts/podcast episodes, articles/books, and journal prompts based on your individual needs.
Option to renew
Everyone’s food freedom timeline is different and that’s okay! At the end of the 12 weeks, we can discuss if you’d benefit from some extra sessions together and develop a plan to ensure you are supported for as long as you need.
Judgement-free zone
You’re getting a coach who loves Jesus and who understands (in her own way!) what it’s like to struggle with your relationship with food and who values a judgement-free, come-as-you-are coaching environment so you can feel supported EXACTLY where you are in your journey.
This IS for you if…
You’re not in the worst place you’ve ever been, but you’re stuck not being quite where you know you deserve to be.
Maybe you’ve invested in trying to heal your relationship with food before and, well, you certainly aren’t in the WORST place you’ve ever been with it, but you are definitely not where you want to end up. If this speaks to you, YOU are the client I work with! With week-by-week individualized support and goal-setting, we’ll get you un-stuck so you can reach a place of FULL God-honoring food freedom that you deserve.
You know you don’t want to look back years down the road wishing you started sooner.
You don’t want to look back years later and realize that you are in the exact same place that you are in right now. You know that if you don’t get out of your comfort zone, things won’t change. You don’t want to look back and wish you started healing sooner, and you DEFINITELY don’t want to pass this down to your children, family, or friends.
You are ready to start letting go of patterns that aren’t serving you.
Many of these same patterns are likely the ones that are keeping you comfortable right where you’re at, but are NOT the ones that will push you to where you want to be. Change doesn’t always feel good, but it also doesn’t happen by staying in our comfort zones. “Being sanctified is easy”, said no one EVER in scripture LOL!
This is NOT for you if…
You are looking for a quick fix or your goal is weight loss.
Despite what you may have seen from other coaches, it is not possible to fully heal your relationship with food along with having the goal to lose weight. However, having the DESIRE for weight loss and your GOAL being weight loss are two different things! In fact, most of my clients still have the desire to lose weight at the start of our work together, and it’s okay that you might! Our work together will be focused on healing your relationship with food, body image, and exercise so you can form a routine that makes you FEEL your best. Additionally, we will be challenging several narratives around body image that may not align with God’s Word.
You don’t have any desire to change.
As a dietitian who has previously healed her relationship with food and body image and who has worked with many clients through disordered eating thoughts and patterns, I am equipped with so many helpful tools to pass to you so you can achieve this. You will absolutely feel ups and downs during the journey (which I love cheering my clients on through!!), but you must have your own desire to change at the core of this to see real transformation!
You are in a place where you need a higher level of care for an eating disorder.
It is my top priority to ensure my clients are receiving the proper care that they need. While I coach many clients who are on their ED recovery journey and still struggle with disordered eating thoughts and patterns, this program is not sufficient nor appropriate for someone who requires a higher level of treatment for their ED and is not a replacement for a doctor to patient relationship. If you are still not 100% sure if OFFM is the right fit for you, please know that our free intro call provides a space for us to get a better idea of your current situation so we can ensure you are a good fit. Please feel free to shoot an email to hello@overflownutrition.org if you have any questions about this.
I am SO excited to be offering several payment plan and coaching package options that make the investment as low as just under $275/month! If you feel unsure about the cost, don't let this hold you back from hopping on your free discovery call to chat because I want you to feel certain that OFFM will be worth your time and financial investment. If I believe you are truly a good fit for my services (or not!), I will tell you that on the call. My clients' ability to experience real shifts and transformation is a priority for me as your coach, therefore, if you are not a good fit, I will be upfront with you!
I know life get’s busy and I want you to feel like it’s possible to invest in you regardless of what’s going on (because you deserve that and there will never be the “perfect time”). You’ll need to set aside a minimum of 30-45 minutes each week for our weekly sessions - outside of that, I do encourage investing bits of time throughout the week to implement the goals we set together on the call, but this is usually something you’ll be integrating into your day-to-day life anyways! We will also collaborate on and make any needed adjustments to your weekly goals to ensure they feel attainable based on your week ahead.
You will have access to message me privately between our sessions inside of your client portal. This is not something you are required to do, rather, it is a resource that you have at your disposal to further support your transformation! Here, you can ask me any questions that are coming up for you (this can be anything - questions on your goals or simply about something you saw on Instagram this morning), share your food freedom or life wins so we can celebrate, or to talk through something you may be struggling with. Don’t hesitate to reach out!
I currently have hundreds of one-on-one sessions under my belt as a Registered Dietitian guiding clients towards their version of food freedom. I have spent my time as a dietitian working in a university student health center where I not only see students from a variety of backgrounds, but I have worked with a team of providers (doctors, psychiatrists, therapists) to support students who are recovering from an eating disorder, disordered eating, and poor body image. Additionally, I am a certified Live Unrestricted Practitioner, granted through Mallory Page, RD, and continue to work alongside Mallory’s own clients as a coach supporting their food freedom journeys!
ABSOLUTELY. In fact, many of my clients share that they hesitated to reach out for support because they felt unsure of what the journey would be like. Applying in and of itself may feel out of your comfort zone, but remember that even positive change will push you in this way! It is a top priority of mine to make the journey feel less scary for you!
Step one is to fill out the short application (should take you no more than a couple minutes!) which is linked in several places on this page. After you submit your application, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can go ahead and schedule our 20-minute free intro call at a time that works for you. On the intro call, we will spend some time getting to know one another and your current situation with food and body image, getting your questions answered, and, if it’s a good fit, you may be offered a spot for 1:1 coaching at the end!