Where faith and food freedom finally meet
So you’re tired of the taxing mental battle every time you make a food decision, the overwhelming guilt that comes with taking a rest day from the gym, and the discomfort you feel about yourself when you look in the mirror, and you want to experience the fullness of life WITHOUT this pesky guilt and shame. But there’s just one thing missing for you… Jesus. If He’s the center of your life, let’s make Him the center of your journey to freedom from food and body shame so you can embrace the life God designed you for.
The one where food guilt turns into God-honoring food freedom
The one where food guilt turns into God-honoring food freedom *
Hi, I’m Nicole!
I’m a Registered Dietitian and the founder of Overflow Nutrition. I love Jesus, my husband, and my cats with my whole heart (there are NEVER enough cat pics, am I right?!). I also know what it’s like to spend my days in the depths of struggles with food, body image, and exercise all too well. BUT, the Lord is the best redeemer, isn’t He?! Because now this pain turned into passion for the daughters of God who are stuck in the same cycle in their own way.
I’m here to help you reject diet culture and the world’s version of “health” so you can instead embrace how God created your body to be, how He wants you to interact with food, and what “health” really means to Him.
God is calling you higher
because being the best version of who God created you to be shouldn’t feel like you are chained by an unsustainable, anxiety-driven lifestyle run by food and exercise rules He never asked you to live by. But if you’re here right now, I bet you already knew that in your heart, and maybe you know it’s finally time to heal.
It’s time to embrace the version of you who…
What my clients are saying

You’re in the right place for this kind of freedom.
Overflow Food Freedom Method
My signature 12-week 1:1 coaching program designed to help you transform your relationship with food and body image from a Biblical perspective.
Free interactive e-book
Your food freedom journey doesn’t deserve to wait. Grab my “4 Days to Making Peace with Food & the Body God Gave You” interactive e-book for a completely FREE mini coaching experience from me!
Let’s envision what a day-in-the-life with full God-honoring food freedom could look like…
You wake up and take in the room around you, peering out your bedroom window. You greet the Lord for the day, maybe enter a time of prayer or get into the Word, or maybe you just start to think through the day ahead. You realize none of these thoughts had anything to do with how to plan your busy day around your workout or the meals you plan to have. You get up to pick out an outfit for the day and don’t have the extra stress of wondering what’s going to fit or look good because you did the work to accept and clothe your NOW body. You head out to the kitchen and make a yummy, filling breakfast without spiraling thoughts about how you can “make up for this later” or if the food you chose was truly “healthy” for you. You’re able to move on with your day, unaffected by the random diet culture-y post you saw on IG, the unnecessary comment your co-worker made about how she wants to “lose a few pounds,” and you’re even able to freely grab a few of the fresh cookies your friend brought to Bible study that evening. When you lay your head down at night, you’re able to reflect on all of the wonderful people and experiences the Lord has placed in your life and you look forward to stewarding the day ahead in exactly the places He has you instead of planning how to strive for a mold of yourself God never created you to fit in.
Want this, but something continues to hold you back?
It can be scary to get curious about adopting a food freedom mindset for so many reasons. I know for me, these are some of the thoughts that would come racing into my mind as soon as I thought I’d maybe give it a shot:
What if I gain weight? What will other people think? Will I let down my family or friends?
Would food freedom actually be healthy for me, though?
What if I’m never happy with what I look like?
If I let myself have anything, I’ll lose control! There’s no way that’s healthy.
Would I be giving up on myself if I do this? Society tells me I have to exercise and eat in a certain way to be “the best version of myself.”
Who am I without being the “fit friend” (or insert what this may be for you!)? How will my friends see me then?
Please know that I HEAR you!! And that’s a huge reason why I became a dietitian - to learn how to practice evidence-based care in this space. There is EVIDENCE in the benefits of a relationship with food that not only allows you to properly meet your body’s needs, but one that doesn’t cause you more stress to your day-to-day life. If you’ve tried everything else out there for your health, why not give this a try? Now is the time!
The Overflow Method
Scripture is truth. When we are talking ANYTHING in the realm of “how to” live our lives or steward our bodies, we need to be pulling from our firm foundation: the Word of God. I believe the concepts found within “food freedom” and “body acceptance” are backed by how the Lord speaks to and demonstrates what it means to live in our bodies for Him. “Food freedom” doesn’t mean “unhealthy free-for-all”; true, God-honoring food freedom means food is no longer in the driver's seat of your life, taking up all of your mental capacity and determining how you will live out your life today. It means food is no longer a source of stress or your sense of worth. It means you are rejecting how diet culture has told you to treat your body and instead looking to the One who created you by tuning back into your God-given intuition. “Body acceptance” does not mean “accepting” living in a way that is not God-honoring. True body acceptance means you surrender your expectations of an “ideal body” to the One who created your unique genetic blueprint instead of being in bondage to what man deems an “acceptable” body.
There is abundant and growing scientific evidence that supports the concepts I educate on and the coaching methods I utilize within the Overflow Method. The Intuitive Eating framework and Health at Every Size (HAES) concepts are two of the more widely-known research-backed concepts, to name a few.
Every single human who struggles with their relationship with food, exercise, or body image has unique experiences and requires individualized support in order to help them step into the version of themselves God is calling them to be. There is no “cookie-cutter” approach to this work. While I do offer services that walk through a set “course,” I always recommend receiving individualized support from a Registered Dietitian and/or therapist at some point in your journey in order to address what is specific to your story.